Artificial intelligence - AI avatar videos

By combining automation, digitization and artificial intelligence, it is already possible to save a lot of time.


The task was to modernize the training of newcomers and save costs associated with training, specifically:
  • Save on renting training centers.
  • To save trainers' time - instead of routine training, they would devote more time to development.
  • To bring education closer to the customer - in the comfort of his home and at a time of his own choosing.
  • Simplify the verification of acquired knowledge and the issuance of certificates.

How we did it

With the maximum use of AI, automation and digitization, we produced training materials, a testing tool and also a certificate generator.
  • From the training materials, which were in the form of text, videos, images and presentations, we made one complete video with an AI avatar.
  • A set of test questions was created from the information discussed. Questions are then randomly generated for the test.
  • We evaluated the tests and if the success rate was low, the test needed to be repeated. As soon as the success rate of the test reaches the required level, the customer is declared to have been trained.
  • A certificate of successful training is automatically generated from pre-prepared templates.
Avatar options:
  • You can choose your own avatar - its appearance and voice.
  • Languages ​​can be changed easily.


Benefits of AI video
  • effectively grabs attention,
  • keeps the audience engaged,
  • is less likely to be skipped or ignored,
  • easy to create,
  • brings individuality,
  • shows your human side,
  • is more understandable to people than written text.
What are the possibilities of use:
  • Interactive tutorials
  • Step-by-step instructions
  • Visual samples
  • Personalized training
  • Tailored content